Room Parent Coordinator:
Committee chairperson schedules an orientation meeting at the beginning of the year and disseminates information throughout the year. Ensures that all room parents are given pertinent information regarding PTA events and fundraisers.
Principal’s Honor Roll Committee:
Committee volunteers help during the Principal’s Honor Roll Breakfast and/or Academic Honor Roll recognition event (TBD). These take place around the time of report cards being issued. Volunteers will help set up, assist students during the event, and help clean up afterwards.
Bulletin Boards Committee:
Committee member volunteers may work closely with the committee chair to keep the designated PTA bulletin boards up to date. Committee members may ensure that the bulletin boards are creative and are school appropriate. Committee members may also help decorate other school bulletin boards, such as for specials teachers, with prior approval.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation Committee:
Committee member volunteers may assist the committee chair in planning out special events for Staff/ Teacher Appreciation Week held in May. Committee members may assist the committee chair in organizing a lunch and gifts for the entire staff that week. The committee members may also help room parents come up with creative gift ideas for each day for their teachers (excluding lunch day) during teacher appreciation week.
School Tours Committee:
Committee member volunteers may assist the committee chair in giving school tours to families interested in coming to Manatee Bay. Committee member volunteers will be given training on what information to give to the families and where to go around the campus to highlight the school..
Book Fair Committee:
Committee member volunteers may assist the committee chair in setting up, advertising, and volunteering during the week long book fair that is held twice per school year. Volunteers will be needed to help children shop, restocking shelves, or cashier. Committee members may help decorate using the book fair’s theme and at the end of each book fair, committee members may assist the committee chair in the breakdown and cleanup of the book fair materials.
Sponsors Committee:
The members of this committee may contact those who may be interested in sponsoring the PTA. Members may coordinate with volunteers to seek out businesses and private individuals to sponsor or donate items to the PTA. Members may help maintain an updated log of all PTA sponsors including their contact information. Members may be needed to invite all active PTA sponsors to the book fair and any other PTA sponsored event.
Yearbook Committee:
Committee member volunteers may assist the committee chair in producing the yearbook. Committee members may assist the committee chair with yearbook orders, recognition pages and sponsor ads. Committee members may help keep record of the number of yearbooks ordered and assist in distributing them. Committee members may assist the committee chair to ensure that photographs are taken at various school activities and events on and off campus. Volunteers who take photos will upload them to Pictavo in a timely manner.
Student of the Month Committee:
Committee member volunteers may assist the committee chair in taking the students’ pictures and posting them on the bulletin board or social media. Committee members may also help distribute special gifts to those selected students and help decorate the bulletin board. The “Citizen of the Month” program is designed to identify model students, or "kids of character." Recognizing students helps create a more positive school climate and culture. At the end of every month, one student from each class will be selected by his/her teacher as “Student of the Month” for demonstrating that month’s positive character trait.
SAC Committee (Student Advisory Council):
The PTA SAC members may attend the schools SAC meetings and will report PTA business at the school’s meetings. Student Advisory Council is a team of people representing various segments of the community - parents, teachers, students, administrators, support staff, and other interested community members. The school’s SAC members assist the principal with the school’s budget and gives recommendations on how school monies are to be spent or allocated. The SAC meetings provide a place where all parents are welcome and can voice their opinions and suggestions. Parents should have an active role in making decisions that will best serve the students.
Meet-the-Masters Art Committee:
Committee member volunteers will receive training from the “Meet-the-Masters Committee” chair at the beginning of the school year. Each committee member will receive lesson plans and support as needed from the committee chair. Each committee member may present artwork in the classroom and facilitate discussions on famous works of art. Each committee member may help students complete tasks based on the art work that was presented.
Nominating Committee:
The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to recruit the most qualified people available for the PTA board positions. Members of the nominating committee must be PTA members. Nominating committee will hold confidential meetings, review nominations, select best candidate and confirm acceptance of the nominated position with each candidate. PTA elections should be held at the end of each school year.
Health & Safety Committee:
Committee members may work closely with the committee chair to educate and provide programs for Manatee Bay and the community. The committee’s goals are to increase good health while promoting safety and health awareness. Committee members may assist with any health screenings that are to be done at the school throughout the school year and may attend any training if necessary.
School Supplies Committee:
Committee member volunteers may coordinate with the committee chair and grade team leaders, in January, to compile a list of school supplies needed for the upcoming school year. The committee member volunteers may assist the committee chair in addressing any problems that may arise. The committee member volunteers may ensure that the students and parents are aware that the school supplies may be purchased online via the supply company.